What are the payment methods?

Credit card
Debit card
Daviplata (If you want to pay by this method, write us on Instagram DM (@des.ordenco) to help you).

How can I know my size?

You can find the size chart in the description of each product.

How long does it take for my order to arrive?

The shipping time varies nationally between two (2) to six (6) business days from the date of shipment. Likewise, in Bogota, the shipment may be effective from two (2) to three (3) business days.

What is the shipping coverage?

Currently we only ship nationwide. However, we can inform you about the steps to follow when placing an international order by sending us a DM on Instagram (@des.ordenco) or in the "contact us" tab.

Where are we located?

You can place your orders online or find some of our garments in the following stores:


Guay: Calle 57 #4 - 21
Galería Culto: Carrera 12A #77A - 72


Animalista: Carrera 36 #10B - 23 - Int. 201. El Poblado.
Desatin: Carrera 42 #8 -15 Of. 203. El Poblado.

*These stores have the right to sell the products at their own prices.

How do I make sure that my order will arrive?

Make sure the shipping address is correct. You have enough space to enter the name of the building, apartment, neighborhood, etc. in order to guarantee that the package will arrive at the indicated place. If for any reason you want to change the shipping address, you can contact us.

Do you accept exchanges?

Yes, you can contact us to give you the address to which you will send the garment. When we receive it and verify its condition, we will contact you to make the exchange.

If the exchange is because you didn't like it or it didn't fit, you will pay the shipping costs. If we were the ones who made a mistake and/or there was an error, we will pay the shipping costs.

In any case, please note that you have eight (8) working days after receiving the product. After this time we do not accept exchanges.

Remember that money refunds are not accepted and that SALE products cannot be exchanged.

How do you produce your garments?

First we take a long time to think about them, so that their design is comfortable, of good quality and above all: unique.

Then we meet with production: a series of very nice ladies with whom we drink some coffee. They make sure that all our ideas work and become reality.

Since we are a small team, we don't produce a lot and what we do produce is done with lots of love ♡.

Para todxs


Con un diseño que se adapta a cualquier tipo de cuerpo de modo que nuestras prendas no solo son cómodas si no que se ven bien. Muy bien.

Materiales de calidad

Pa' toda la vida

Queremos que se acuerde de nosotrxs, por eso hacemos prendas de la mejor calidad.

Hecho en Colombia

E inspirado por Colombia

Creado alrededor de muchas tazas de café e inspirado por quienes las han servido y nos han acompañado mientras las tomamos.